Overview. The July 2020 vote by the OT Owners approved a loan and a HOA increase for multiple infrastructure and common area projects. One of the approved projects is a refresh to the fitness center to include new flooring, paint, and as the budget allows, some equipment additions/replacements. Also, the fitness center restroom needs a refresh and should be completed as funds become available.
Flooring. See photos for examples of fitness center floors using attractive and durable carpet tiles. Carpet tiles are less expensive to install, are easy to clean and replace if necessary, and provide all the padding needed for a fitness center such as ours.
Paint. Paint selections will be shared once they are developed. Mirrors will remain. Options to consider for decorating the walls (for example, behind the exercise bikes.) - Use swaths of color to compliment floor tiles - Paint a mural similar to mural in lower level hallway
If you have any comments share them with Gwen or any Board member.